RMK Gothic Photo Contest

■RMK Gothic フォトコンテスト■
RMK Gothicは11月11日に2周年を迎え、13日にはリニューアルオープンと相成りました。
そこでリニューアルしたRMK Gothic SIMをテーマにしたフォトコンテストを開催したいと思います。
・フリッカーグループ「+RMK Gothic SIM+EVENT」に登録。
・コメントに「Entry to the photo contest!」と記入の上、撮影に使ったアイテムをご記入下さい。
・RMK Gothic SIM内で撮影した写真であること。
・衣装はRMK Gothic SIM内のテナントの作品である事。(商品・フリーは問いません)
・RMK Gothic SIMオーナーの決定によるものとします。
・応募作品につきましては、RMK Gothic SIMがサービスの利用促進 およびイベントのプロモーションや広報を目的に使用する場合は、日本国内外に関わらず、イベント会場やSIM内での展示、画像のウェブサイトやブログへの掲載など、広く活用することを了解いただいたものとします。
■RMK Gothic Photo Contest■
November 11 was RMK Gothic’s second anniversary.
To celebrate, RMK Sim was renovated and then reopened on the 13th.
We are holding a photo contest in fashion and/or landscape photography!
The theme is RMK Gothic style: "lightness and darkness of 19th century Britain."
What is RMK Gothic style?
Gothic, Gothic Lolita, Antique, Victorian, Aestheticism, Decadent, Beautifully Villain.
Also, each area of the sim has it's own theme:
Town: Antique, Classical, Aesthetic, Formal
Dark Town: Mafia, Gothic, Darkness, Blackness, Punk (Note: Mr. Chang is the personification of darkness in RMK)
Forest of Alice: Lolita, Cute, Kawaii, Harajyuku style
Circus of Midnight: Dark Forest, Vampire Castle, and Dark Circus (Note: area still being renovated)
Application period: 11/18/2013 ~ 11/30/2013
How to apply:
• The registration flicker group "+ RMK Gothic SIM + EVENT".
• Write "Entry to the photo contest!" in the image description. Then, fill out the items used in the photograph.
• Please include your SL name in the image description if your name used in Flickr is different from your SL name.
・ Must be a photograph taken at RMK Gothic SIM.
・ Items used in photo should be the work of a tenant at RMK Gothic SIM. (Regardless if it is product, gift, or from their mainstore location.)
・ Subject should be the photographer themself. If there are more people in the picture, you must get their approval to participate in the photo contest.
・ Landscape photography is welcome!
・ Photo manipulation is not allowed. No retouching.
・ The number of pictures submitted to contest is limited to 5 total.
・ If you submit pictures to the contest, you also give permission for RMK to use your pictures for publicity and promotion of RMK Gothic, and RMK Events.
Contest judge:
RMK Gothic owner
We look forward to seeing your rich creativity on the concept of RMK Gothic!
・ Winner: 1000L $
・ Runner: 700L $
・ RMK Award: 500L $
· The number of views and favorites on a Flickr image is irrelevant to the contest.
· Please Note: Your submission is not a contest entry unless requirements listed above are satisfied.
· The announcement date of contest results is yet to be determined.
· IMPORTANT: With regard contest submissions, by entering you give RMK Gothic SIM permission to use images for publicity and promotion of RMK Gothic, and RMK Events whether in Japan or abroad.
· If you have any questions, please send them in a notecard only. We do not accept questions via IM.
Entry from here↓
Posted by RMKGothic at 10:04