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Theater Chain

Theater ChainさんのBunny Hunt プライズのご案内です。
I report about a Bunny Hunt Prize by Theater Chain store.

Hair with Hat / Bunny hunt prize by Theater Chain
+T*C+Mad Hatter Hair[BOX]

Theater Chain

Alice in RMK Gothic Start point

■Alice in RMK Gothic2014 フォトコンテスト■
Theater Chain

Alice in RMK Gothic2014 をテーマにしたフォトコンテストを開催したいと思います。


・フリッカーグループ「+RMK Gothic SIM+EVENT」に登録。
・コメントに「Entry to the Alice photo contest!」と記入の上、撮影に使ったアイテムをご記入下さい。

・RMK Gothic SIM内で撮影した写真であること。
・衣装はAlice in RMK Gothic2014作品である事。(マーケット品・プライズ品は問いません。)

・RMK Gothic SIMオーナーの決定によるものとします。



・応募作品につきましては、RMK Gothic SIMがサービスの利用促進 およびイベントのプロモーションや広報を目的に使用する場合は、日本国内外に関わらず、イベント会場やSIM内での展示、画像のウェブサイトやブログへの掲載など、広く活用することを了解いただいたものとします。

RMK Gothic event Flickr

■Alice in RMK Gothic2014 Photo Contest■
Theater Chain

We have a photo contest about Alice in RMK Gothic2014 theme.

Application period : March 1st to 31st ( By end of the Event)

How to Apply:
• The registration flicker group "+ RMK Gothic SIM + EVENT".
• Write "Entry to the photo contest!" in the image description. Then, fill out the items used in the photograph.
• Please include your SL name in the image description if your name used in Flickr is different from your SL name.
・ The number of pictures submitted to contest is limited to 5 total.

・ Must be a photograph taken at RMK Gothic SIM.
・ Items used in photo should be the work of a Alice in RMK2014 at RMK Gothic SIM. (Regardless if it is product or gift.)
・ Subject should be the photographer themself. If there are more people in the picture, you must get their approval to participate in the photo contest.
・ Landscape photography is welcome!
・ Photo manipulation is not allowed. No retouching.
・ The number of pictures submitted to contest is limited to 5 total.
・ If you submit pictures to the contest, you also give permission for RMK to use your pictures for publicity and promotion of RMK Gothic, and RMK Events.

Contest judge:
RMK Gothic owner

We look forward to seeing your rich creativity on the concept of RMK Gothic!

・ Winner: 1000L $
・ Runner: 700L $
・ RMK Award: 500L $

· The number of views and favorites on a Flickr image is irrelevant to the contest.
· Please Note: Your submission is not a contest entry unless requirements listed above are satisfied.
· The announcement date of contest results is yet to be determined.
· IMPORTANT: With regard contest submissions, by entering you give RMK Gothic SIM permission to use images for publicity and promotion of RMK Gothic, and RMK Events whether in Japan or abroad.
· If you have any questions, please send them in a notecard only. We do not accept questions via IM.

Entry from here↓
RMK Gothic event Flickr


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 Theater Chain Shop (2014-10-14 10:00)
 Theater Chain New Item (2014-07-06 09:27)
 +T*C+Travelling trunks (2014-06-29 04:24)
 +T*C+Lolita shoes base update (2014-03-14 02:04)
 +Theater Chain+New item!! (2014-03-10 16:00)
 Re-opening Gift (2013-11-18 22:00)

Posted by milk♡ at 22:00 │Theater Chain